Is a Berner Right for Me?

bernese mountain dog

With their friendly, easygoing temperaments and that incredibly eye-catching coat, Bernese Mountain Dogs are hard not to love!

However, they are not suited for every person nor every situation. We always encourage doing your research beforehand so you have a better idea of what life with one of these sweethearts might be like. Here are some things to consider.

bernese mountain dog breeder

A Berner may be for you if…

  • you like big dogs. Like, really big! Some will top the scales at 130 lbs.

  • you live in a climate that isn’t hot all year round. Berners were bred for cold mountainous climates and LOVE snow.

  • you want a snuggle buddy, couch potato, and all-round lazy giant. They can be trained to work but they love loafing too.

  • you have loads of patience. Berners can be stubborn and resistant to training.

  • you are willing to put in the time and dedication to train and socialize your dog, especially when they’re young. If left unsocialized, Berners can withdraw and become extremely shy and hard to work with.

A Berner may not be for you if…

  • you live in a small apartment with limited outdoor access. Berners take up a lot of room!

  • you can’t stand dog hair on your clothes, your couch and in your butter dish. They shed a lot and all year long.

  • you are strapped financially. Besides all of the large breed dog supplies, you’ll have the ongoing cost of feeding a mammoth.

  • you can’t handle the possibility of losing your dog too early. Berners have an average lifespan of 6-8 years.

  • you don’t have time to spend with a dog. Berners tend to be very human-focused and will need ample amounts of attention throughout the day or else they can develop destructive behaviors.

Still convinced one of these massive teddy bears is for you? Fill out an application and let’s talk!